
PerryMade >> Hong Kong Egg Tart

April 14, 2017 Unknown 0 Comments

Bought the tart mould for don't know how long already. I finally took it out and made this my all time favourite afternoon tea snacks. I am sure you will fall in love with this little egg custard tart! It looks hard to make than it actually does! Give it a try and let me know how you go. For traditional method, please click the link in post.


Hong Kong Egg Tart


makes 14 | TMX 20 s + chilling | bake 20-25 m | Asian

// adapted via 張媽媽廚房 Mama Cheung //

[ Ingredients ]

  • // Pastry 撻皮 //

    • 200 g plain flour
    • 100 g unsalted butter
    • 40 g sugar
    • 30 g egg

  • // Egg Custard 蛋漿 //

    • 2 eggs 兩隻打發了的蛋
    • 50 g sugar 糖
    • 150 ml water 清水
    • 50 ml milk 牛奶

[ TMX Method ]

  • 1. Place all pastry ingredients into TM bowl to mix. 15 sec/ speed 4. Press 30 g pastry into each tart mould, use a fork to poke holes at the base of the tart moulds. Then chill in fridge for 1/2 hour.
    把所有撻皮材料放進主鍋,以15 秒/ 速度4 拌勻。把大約30 g 的撻皮按壓到撻模中,再用叉在撻底刺小洞。然後放進冰箱30 分鐘。

    point >> If the dough is a bit dry, you can add little more egg in the pastry dough. 5-10 g each time, then set 10 sec/ speed 4. Check again and repeat until you feel the dryness of the dough is just right. 
    如果你覺得面團有點乾,你可以加多一點蛋液。每次大概加 5-10 g,然後設定 10 秒/ 速度 4。重覆步驟至面團濕度剛好。這只能憑感覺,我也很難說大概是怎樣…

    2. Dissolve sugar with hot water, then add in milk, set aside and let it cool.

    3. Add eggs and the milk mixture in TM bowl, set 3 sec/ speed 4. Use the sifter to filter the egg mixture two times. Pour the mixture in the tart mould.
    加蛋和牛奶混合物到主鍋,以 3 秒/ 速度4 拌勻。把蛋漿過篩兩次隔走泡泡和未打好的蛋液,然後倒進撻模內。

    4. Preheat oven to 180*C. Place the tart in the oven for 15-20 mins. When the side of the tart turn golden, reduce the temperature to 160*C and bake for another 15 mins. Take out and rest in the mould for 5 mins, unmould.
    把蛋撻放進已預熱至180*C的烤箱內焗15-20 分鐘,當撻邊開始轉金黃色時,調低烤箱溫度至160*C 再焗15 分鐘。取出後,留在撻模大概 5 分鐘後才脫模。

    The egg custard was quite smooth. The key is to go through the sifter.

[ Post Notes ]

>> This recipe is for my own record. If you use this recipe and would like to include in your blog, please be nice and credit the original site: 張媽媽廚房 Mama Cheung.  

>> This recipe was made by Perry the Thermomix. For traditional method, please refer to the link above.





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